Lettering is done by my buddy Sven
from El Cheapo Kustom Works ...
Oeewieee , what a paintjob this is !!!
This was the last thing to do to get her finnished .
Building this bike was a blast for all off us , surtenlly
for our master builder Kenny himself .
Again he discovered a higher level of his own skills on this one
more because in the past he was used to build racebikes ...
None the less he did very well for his first "other than usuall bike".
A lot of magazines contacted us for interviews or fotoshoots and stuff ...
what we didn't expected , cause this bike is build in a small ched in the garden
with a couple of buddies, and not by any of those big money , high price
big shot companys or so , this ones build to ride like they are
supposed to do , nothing more nothing less ...
Any way , this one' s well approved , another one is already started,
but more of that later.
Any further comments or info about this " El Pincho Negro" , can be send
or asked by this blog .
Thanx for the ethousiastique comments till now , cause it gives us extra spirit
to carry on the things we very much enjoy
What a great bike!!